via Was the original Walsingham statue really destroyed – or is it in the V&A? – Catholic Herald

Way back last July (2019) this article from the UK based Catholic Herald   made the rounds in England, and to a lesser extent the United States. The article reports a rumor and a suggestion that a statue in the Victoria and Albert Museum, the “Langham Statue” may in fact be the original Image of Our Lady of Walsingham, presumed burned in London by That Other Cromwell during the Reformation. I for one, would cry tears of joy were this to be proved true. But alas, direct documentary evidence that this is the case is as likely to be found as evidence for Joseph of Arimathea’s  arrival on English shores in the First Century B.C. ; though plenty of circumstantial evidence points, perhaps, to a moral certainty  of this conclusion.

O Holy Mary, Our Lady of  Walsingham and Mother of the Saviour, pray for us.